eldr.ai | Working with Unsupervised Data - Clustering

In the Quick Start and Multiple Outputs tutorials we looked at Customer Data examples where we had inputs and output(s), and the idea was that ELDR AI learnt the links between them in order for us to make future accurate predictions and get recommendations. This is the most common form of AI/Machine Learning and is called Supervised Learning. It is Supervised because we are telling ELDR AI the outputs to learn.

However, there may be instances where we do not know what our outputs are - i.e. we have a load of data and have no idea how any of it is related (big data) - but we still want to learn from it, make predictions, get recommendations and gain insights. Because we have no defined outputs to tell ELDR AI what to learn we call this UnSupervised Learning.

Let's go through a full example to explain this.

Click here to download a small CSV file (3Kb, 150 rows) containing No Output Customer Data that we want ELDR AI to learn from.

You will see the data looks very similar to to the customer data from the Quick Start guide with ips and ipcs - however we now do not have an output (op).

As before, go to the Create Data and upload the file you have just downloaded. Call the data "Customer No Output".

Create ELDR AI Data No Output

Navigate to View Data

ELDR AI Data List No Output

You will now see your newly-created Customer Data - with some key differences between what we saw in the Quick Start and Multi Output tutorials.

Our data is uploaded, now let's get ELDR AI to cluster it for us and group together related data.

You will be taken to the View Data screen, specifically the Clusters section.

ELDR AI Data View Clusters

By default, the "Number of Clusters" dropdown will show ~10th the number of rows of data (15 in this case). In this case we want ELDR AI to find four clusters so select 4 from the dropdown and press "Cluster Data". For this small dataset clustering should take less than 20 seconds.

If clustering is successful you will see the clusters/groups displayed in chart and table form

ELDR AI Clustered Data Chart ELDR AI Clustered Data Table

During the clustering process ELDR AI looks at all fields collectively and groups them. By looking at the chart you can see how ELDR AI defines each cluster.

You will have noticed that three new buttons have now appeared:

Saved Clustered Data

This will store the generated clustered data against your original dataset so you don't need to do the clustering process again.This is important because the clustering process (like all AI/Machine Learning) is initially random before ELDR AI starts to learn. Although ELDR AI will find the same clusters each time, they may come back in a different order, so it's always better to save the clusters when you're happy.

Click the "Saved Clustered Data" and you should get a success message:

ELDR AI Clusters Saved Success

After saving, go to the View Data page to see your clusters have been recorded (red box):

ELDR AI Clustered Data Saved

Click again on the Cluster icon (green box) to take you back to the Clusters Screen and you will find your clusters are already there in chart and table form.

Download Clustered Data as CSV

Clicking this button will download the clustered data to your machine for your own processing and analysis e.g. you might want to look over the clusters that ELDR AI has found in more detail before deciding what to do next.

Convert Clustered Data to Supervised Data

Our task is to get predictions, recommendations and insights from this unsupervised clustered data. To do this we need to convert the clustered data into a usable format for ELDR AI to use e.g. Supervised Data.

In this example we have four clusters, which means 4 output options. If you remember from the Customer Multiple Output tutorial we need to use One Hot Encoding to achieve this. ELDR AI has an in-built multi-output converter. We can use this here by pressing the "Convert Clustered Data to Supervised Data" button.

Press the button and you will get this:

ELDR AI Convert Clustered Data to Supervised Data

In the Cluster(output)field, it will be called "Cluster" by default. As we have clustered Customers, change it to Customer as shown by the red box.

Right of the red box are all our input fields e.g. PostCode, CreditScore etc. with a confirmation underneath of what type of input they are (ip/ipc)

To complete the process, press "Create Supervised Learning Data".

ELDR AI Convert Clustered Data to Supervised Data Success

If you go back to the View Data screen, you will now see your newly-created converted data:

ELDR AI Convert Clustered Data to Supervised Data List

You will now see a data entry has been made for you with the name "Customer No Output converted_1" (red box). Each time you convert the data "_1" will increment to _2,_3 etc.

Also note, ELDR AI now recognises the converted data as supervised (green box) and we have the correct number of customer outputs (4, blue box).

We can inspect the converted data by clicking the "eye" icon (orange box):

ELDR AI Convert Clustered Data Table

Here you can see how ELDR AI has converted our 4 clusters into 4 customer output columns.

Again, the default settings are fine for this demo. Enter "Customer Data Converted" as the Name and make sure you have the correct Data Source selected (CSV|Customer No Output converted_1)..or whatever you called it.

ELDR AI Create Model From Unsupervised Data Create ELDR AI Model Multi Output - Activation and Training Create ELDR AI Model Multi Output - Optimisation

Click the "Create" button and you will hopefully get a success message:

ELDR AI Create Model From Unsupervised Data Success

In the View Models screen you will now your newly-created Model:

ELDR AI Create Model From Unsupervised Data List Model

As before, click the red graduation cap Training icon to go to the Training Screen, and Train the model by pressing the "Train Model" button.

ELDR AI Train Converted Unsupervised Model ELDR AI Train Converted Unsupervised Model Output

Our task was to get predictions and recommendations from unsupervised customer data. Let's do that now.

As before, navigate to the Ask EDLR screen by pressing the question mark icon on the View Models screen:

ELDR AI Predications Ask

We can now get some predictions and recommendations:

ELDR AI Predications and Recommendations from Unsupervised Data

As before, have a look around at the other methods of Asking ELDR AI if you like, e.g. API, CSV etc.

Another part of our task was to gain insights from unsupervised customer data. Let's go ahead.

As in the previous tutorials, click the lightbulb icon to get to the Insights Screen:

ELDR AI Insights ELDR AI Insights Header Converted ELDR AI Insights Graph Converted

Here we can see that Age has a big influence on this Customer Data Set.

ELDR AI Insights Heatmap Converted

And as seen in previous examples we can see that product purchasing similarities are apparent among the customer groups e.g. customer types who buy biscuits are likely to be also interested in chocolate.